Kunci kamar kos Sobatku sengaja dititipkan.
Maklum anak gaul. Senang dengan proyek rahasia. Baru saja lulus kuliah, eh,
langsung nikah. Daripada perut besar calon pendamping tergosip
Sayang sekali, Hirah kehilangan momen
menyaksikan kelahiran anaknya. Penasaran yang tiada terbendung lagi sesegera
mungkin menimang-nimang buah hati. Karena itulah nasibnya menguliahi,
“Biar terdekam sebentar di kolek kecil.
Tenang-tenang mendayung dan hanyut berpikir. Yang penting nggak lari maraton di
jalanan lagi. Estafet saja. Karena kebahagiaan keluaga menantimu setelah
keluar. Barang beberapa hari makin cantiklah barang itu. Bahagia atau
‘terpenjara’ lagi dalam bahtera kehidupan baru? sama saja. Yang beda hanya
ukuran luas tempat tidur. Aku tetap skenariomu.”
Sesuai permintaan rahasia, beberapa file
yang menyilaukan mata rada berkonser merem-merem melek di-delete dulu.
Sekalian data-data pergerakan. Sekarang tuntas. Lain kali hati-hati, Sob. Data
mudah dicomot penunggu menara.
Puisimu dipublikasikan saja. Kukonfirmasi
dulu. Konteks sosial pas. Apa adanya. Imajinasi berserakan. Tapi cukup satir.
Namanya juga puisi. Tentu bukan notulen atau hasil wawancara sebagaimana persis
proses langsung jadi makanan cepat saji. Setidaknya khas. Lalu relakan penikmat
menjadi hakim dan jaksa. Terkadang lumrah yang terhakimi justru berakar dan berimpak
sama di hening belantara puisi berniscaya makna milik pembaca.
Meskipun tampaknya realitas memusuhi
inginmu, renunganku menangkap nuansa ketegaran. Nyata berat memikul beban yang
membekas pekat kelam. Melepas dendam dan kejaran dosa tidaklah semudah
mengalirkan aksara. Tersisa bekas dan tak mudah tergantikan. Sekalipun
berkali-kali berkata, kita harus pundakkan tantangan bersejarah itu dengan jiwa
besar. Puisi pribadi membantu pengungkapan suasana hati. Sekedar meringankan
dalam pelepasan.
Aku sendiri tidak lebih baik dari perkiraanmu. Jika memang keras membentur dan percuma, menganggap masalah layaknya teman baik, itu lebih menyenangkan. Karena sentuhan sunyi kadang kala menggenapi. Puisi dan saling percaya selama ini menyampaikan sinyal kuat melalui diammu. Engkau satu saudaraku satu kata dalam satu perjuangan.*
Bersambung ke puisi. Lanjutan dari Pengantar Puisi Anakku Terbilang (I)
*) Terinspirasi dari “Satu zat satu urat”, frasa Chairil Anwar
Bruce Springsteen The River Lyrics
I come from down in the valley where mister when you're young
They bring you up to do like your daddy done
Me and mary we met in high school when she was just seventeen
Wed ride out of that valley down to where the fields were green
Wed go down to the river
And into the river wed dive
Oh down to the river wed ride
Then I got mary pregnant and man that was all she wrote
And for my nineteen birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat
We went down to the courthouse and the judge put it all to rest
No wedding day smiles no walk down the aisle
No flowers no wedding dress
That night we went down to the river
And into the river wed dive
On down to the river we did ride
I got a job working construction for the johnstown company
But lately there aint been much work on account of the economy
Now all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they vanished right into the air
Now I just act like I don't remember, mary acts like she don't care
But I remember us riding in my brothers car
Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir
At night on them banks I'd lie awake
And pull her close just to feel each breath she'd take
Now those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it don't come true
Or is it something worse that sends me
Down to the river though I know the river is dry
Down to the river, my baby and i
Oh down to the river we ride
They bring you up to do like your daddy done
Me and mary we met in high school when she was just seventeen
Wed ride out of that valley down to where the fields were green
Wed go down to the river
And into the river wed dive
Oh down to the river wed ride
Then I got mary pregnant and man that was all she wrote
And for my nineteen birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat
We went down to the courthouse and the judge put it all to rest
No wedding day smiles no walk down the aisle
No flowers no wedding dress
That night we went down to the river
And into the river wed dive
On down to the river we did ride
I got a job working construction for the johnstown company
But lately there aint been much work on account of the economy
Now all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they vanished right into the air
Now I just act like I don't remember, mary acts like she don't care
But I remember us riding in my brothers car
Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir
At night on them banks I'd lie awake
And pull her close just to feel each breath she'd take
Now those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it don't come true
Or is it something worse that sends me
Down to the river though I know the river is dry
Down to the river, my baby and i
Oh down to the river we ride