Getaran Jemarimu Berimajiner

izinkan dia meminjam getaran jemarimu berimajiner

kau …

titik api menawaki  
anggitan gita mengikuti
keausan temporal memunggungi
telanjang padanya mutiara di kaki  

menjalari senarai semural imajinasi
spektrum lirisliris monoton beranomali
pelurupeluru menggatra di dinding janji teruji
perpanjangan selongsong A – Z di guha stagnasi

terkecuali penyegeraan kesunyian menunjukkan diri
kau keanjaan yang labil tersentak desingan meratapi?

enggan menerima jalan spora bermirakel menapaktilasi
penafian tirani langit runtuh di bawah bendera putih lesi
kesalahan terbesar kedua bola mata narsis di satu dimensi
mengaras sadar dan pengakuan sebatas syurga resistansi

kau …

meloka dari bening mata meneroka bumi
sungguhpun sirap inspirasi menyerap darah
berbutitbutir aksara sandarkan mahaimaji
sungguhpun mulut berlimpah kaca pecah

keseutuhan matahari kekar melambari
sungguhpun terpasak debudebu fakta  
berdebardebar aurora di jemari menari
sungguhpun maaf membiarakan kata

lima tahun tersirat spirit teramat jengah tersayat tanya
sulingan alami melayatkan basis kedahagaan yang sama
penyanggga nafas terakhir berakhir di lembaran terbaru
saatnya bersimpuh membingkiskan persinggahan waktu  

terkecuali penyegeraan misteri tertata di pelataran sendiri
kau keanjaan yang menyangkal diri dan gentar merenungi?

hingga kakinya sejati mengenali kesaksian yang nyata terjadi 

Catatan : Salah satu referensi inspirasi dari lagu 21 Guns – Green Day. Lirik terbaca (awam) bermakna dalam. Hanya renungan pribadi, khususnya di lirik 'Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone'. Keren.

Do you know what's worth fighting for,
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I